☀️ Setting New Intentions On The Solstice

Hello fellow creatives!

Tonight is the shortest night of the year and a great time to close out old cycles and set new intentions.

I am currently burning the last of the candles on my altar that I set there in January. Inspired by my catholic roots, I chose three veladoras. Each votive candle represents my intentions for the cycles I began at the start of 2022.

🕯 One candle for strengthening my connection to myself so that I can better trust my intuition and my spirit guides

🕯One candle for growing my business so that I may do meaningful work that truly serves others and supports me

🕯One candle for calling in a transcendent loving relationship characterized by mutual respect and shared vision

It brings tears to my eyes to say that I have realized ALL of these intentions! I hope you feel encouraged reading this to look back over the last 6 months and appreciate all that has transpired for you!

We are ready for a new cycle and ready to bring even bigger visions to life!!

🌀 What cycles are ending for you?

🌬 What are you going to set in motion now!?

📝 How will you make your intentions known?

Perhaps through journaling, creating a vision board, refreshing your own altar... or maybe through DANCE!

I invite you to join me in dance this Saturday at my online Frame Drum Choreography workshop! Let's bring in the new season together!

➡️ You'll want to register TODAY to get the discounted Early Bird price! ⬅️

We'll be learning a dance with the frame drum, similar to the one linked below:

This live online workshop happens Saturday, June 25th at 11am CT.

If you can't make it live, no worries! You can still register and watch the replay afterward!

➡️ Click here to see the exact choreography you'll be learning! ⬅️

Hoping to start some powerful new cycles with you as we dance together this weekend,

🌹 April Rose

April Rose